What we are going to change after the user testing:
- user slower songs / slow songs down
- take away the countdown
- have a screen before the song starts
- make a box for the cards
- add levels for different songs

What we learned from the testing:
- the song is too fast
- the countdown before the color changes
is distracting
- the text is understandable and clear
--> even to the 7 year old girl
- the concept of the game is clear
- we can expand the age group from
4 year olds to 2-7/8 year olds
- the kids won‘t clap direclty on the beat
but they will still enjoy it
- even without explaining aynthing before
the parents and kids were able
to understand the game based on the cards

We didn't think our product would work. But the users surprised us in a positive way. The kids really enjoyed our game and most importantly, understood what they had to do even though we gave no explanation about the game itself. After testing we adjusted the game to what we learned during the user testing to make it work even better.
The testing made us not only more confident on our games and the decisions we had made so far but it also gave us inside that we were underestimating the children and we realized that they were a lot smarter than we originally thought.