CLASS #1 4/4/22
During the class we got an introduction to interfaces and our assignment to collect 90 interfaces.
We were also supposed to make our own interface in just 45min. Marida and I made a box in which people could put their secret and since we taped the box shut no one would be able to read them. So it is an interaction between you and the fact that your secret will never be read by someone else.

CLASS #2 11/4/22
During the class we talked about two interface examples and how many things can actually be considered an interface.
We also had some interesting examples of collections.
As an exercise in class we were supposed to find 10 interfaces around school.
Some of my interfaces I found at school:
arrow on the floor
sign on the door
fire alarm button

CLASS #3 19/4/22
Examples of taking a closer look at my interfaces: